Worldview Toolkit
Exploring Irish attitudes to overseas development aid
2nd Annual Tracker Survey
The 2nd Worldview survey results are in!
The survey ran from 20 October – 2 December 2021 among a nationally representative sample of 2,026 Irish adults to gauge their awareness and attitudes towards overseas development aid.
The survey included a new section containing a variety of messages/statements to test how messages are resonating and landing with the Irish public and to gain insight into how we communicate development in the current context.
View the key findings and download the results below.
Key Findings
Audience Segments – Demographic Overview
77% believe it is important that the Irish Government provides overseas aid
Human rights, shared humanity and humanitarianism are the top 3 most important reasons to help those in developing countries
The main causes of perceived poverty in developing countries are Government and Private Sector corruption, war and conflict, and Government inefficiency or incompetence
TV, newspapers/press and radio are the most frequently used sources for news and information