Exploring Technical Areas Of Safeguarding: An Overview of Key Insights and Learnings from the Dóchas Safeguarding Task Group

One of Dóchas’ key task groups is the Safeguarding Task Group (STG), established in 2018. The following report provides an Overview of Key Insights and Learnings from the STG.
Exploring Technical Areas Of Safeguarding: An Overview of Key Insights and Learnings from the Dóchas Safeguarding Task Group
One of Dóchas’ key task groups is the Safeguarding Task Group (STG). Established in 2018, The STG was set up to strengthen practice in relation to protecting people from exploitation, abuse, and harassment (including sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment) because of behaviours of those who work for or represent NGO organisations, programmes and/or activities.
Technical areas addressed as internal group discussions included:
- Adaptive Strategies for SG Implementation and Monitoring
- A Survivor Centred Approach
- Supporting Partners
- The Translatability of SG Terminology
- The SG Journey
This report presents an overview of each the above technical areas addressed during internal discussions, alongside key points raised, and suggestions for improved practice. Finally, wider recommendations for the STG to consider as next steps will be offered.