Caritas Safeguarding Training Resource

Caritas introduces five short films and a discussion guide as a training resource to strengthen safeguarding in humanitarian contexts.
Caritas Safeguarding Training Resource
Trócaire (Caritas Ireland), together with CAFOD (Caritas England & Wales), Caritas Austria, Caritas Czech Republic, Caritas Romania and Caritas Europa secretariat, developed the training short films in 2019. At the time, all six organisations formed a consortium with the aim of strengthening their capacity to implement humanitarian standards. This project was called ‘Technical Assistance for European Caritas Organisations in Humanitarian Aid’ (TEACH) and was funded by the EU Aid Volunteers initiative of the European Union.
As part of this project, the consortium developed a training resource in the form of short films and an accompanying discussion guide.
The short films depict scenarios of safeguarding and code of conduct breaches (by actors), provoking viewers to think about and discuss how these breaches happened and what appropriate preventative and response measures should have been/should be put in place.