Locally-Led Development

In this section you will find useful resources on the topic of locally-led development.

Seven Dimensions of Locally Led Development

The ‘Seven Dimensions Framework’ was developed by Global Mentoring Initative to highlight the most important aspects in the collaboration…

Shifting the Power

Shifting the Power (STP) is a three-year project that aims to strengthen the capacity and influence of local and national humanitarian…

Are we there yet? Localisation as the journey towards locally led practice

Models, approaches and challenges - ODI Report

Time to Decolonise Aid - Insights and lessons from a global consultation

In November 2020, Peace Direct, Adeso, the Alliance for Peacebuilding, and Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security held a three-day…

Trócaire Partnership and Localisation Strategy 2021-2025

Trócaire’s Partnership and Localisation Strategy sets out a vision for realising our organisational commitment to localisation, as set out…

Plan International Policy Position: Localisation of Humanitarian Action

This paper sets out Plan International’s position on the localisation of humanitarian action. It explains why and how Plan International…

Localisation in Practice - Emerging Indicators and Practical Recommendations

This report was commissioned by the Start Network's Disasters and Emergencies Preparadness Programme (DEPP) to contribute to learning on…

Partos Dream paper: Shift the Power

How can we genuinely shift power? The Dream paper: Shift the Power is a product of the Partos Innovation Hub.

“You might be poor, your…

Bond - Catalysing locally-led development in the UK aid system

This report summarises work carried out between August 2020 and April 2021 to create a more equitable and sustainable development system…

Re-imagining INGO Planting Workshop: Sowing the seeds of transformation

The RINGO Project is a systems change initiative that seeks to transform global civil society to respond to today’s challenges. The RINGO…

Pathways to Localisation

A framework towards locally led humanitarian response in partnership-based action. This is a programme funded by the European Commission's…

German NGOs ToGETHER Programme Summary

Four German NGOs have come together to to support local actors in strengthening their capacity in humanitarian response, preparadness…

Guidance Note on the Participation of local actors in Humanitarian Coordination Groups

Grand Bargain Localisation Workstream

Localisation and the COVID-19 Response - Interim Guidance

IFRC and UNICEF in Collaboration with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) - May 2020

Dóchas Conference 2022. Locally Led Development: Exploring the Next Steps

Watch back our 2022 Conference on Locally Led development, where we heard from Chernor Bah and deep dived into topic with Smruti Patel…

Equitable Partnerships Session - 2023 Dóchas Conference

We were joined by a number of experts to discuss equitable partnerships at our 2023 Conference watch it back here.

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