
Through Dóchas, Irish Development NGOs and others come together to share their experiences, and to use those experiences to advance more effective ways to end all forms of poverty and injustice.

Our Shared Values

Dóchas is defined by the relationships between its members. These are based on mutual interest and shared commitments to human rights, justice and the eradication of poverty, and are constantly intensified through the Dóchas network.  Our overarching ethos can be broken down into fives values to which we subscribe and that inform how we behave:

Collaboration – We operate collectively, and leverage the value of working together as a network. Our collaborations are based on mutual trust, respect and reciprocity. 

Learning - We are curious and keen to learn, and are committed to active, joint learning and exchange. 

New ideas - We recognise the value in generating new ideas and ways of thinking. We will embrace opportunities to experiment and innovate, and create space for reflection. 

Courageous leadership - We will inspire, engage and mobilise others behind issues we work to address.

Agility - We will be responsive, opportunistic and willing to adapt to changing circumstances. 

Joining Dóchas

To find out what other benefits will be available to your organisation as a member visit our Why Join Dóchas? page. If you have decided to join then visit our How to Become a Member page. You can also get more details on being a Dóchas member from the two documents available for download below.

Download the Dóchas Members Handbook

Download the Dóchas Charter

Download the Dóchas Safeguarding Code

Download the Dóchas Guide to Ethical Communications

 For a full list the Codes and Standards Dóchas and its members sign up to please go to our

Commitment and Codes Page

Current Members

Dóchas is made up of 58 organisations working on a wide variety of projects across 104 countries.

Why join Dóchas?

From Collaboration and learning to visibility and credibility, being a member of Dóchas brings with it a raft of benefits as can be seen…

How to Become a Member

Dóchas has two types of membership, full and associate

Dóchas Alliances and Memberships

Dóchas is aligned to a range of international organisations, ensuring our members voice continues to be heard and amplified alongside our…

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