Terms of Reference - Dóchas Board External Assessment 2025

24 Jan 2025


1. Background

Dóchas is the Irish network for international development and humanitarian organisations. It is a vibrant network that aims to connect, strengthen and represent people and organisations working for a just, sustainable and equal world. We provide a forum for connection, co-operation and collaboration between our fifty-four members. Our mission is to enable international development and humanitarian organisations in Ireland to achieve greater impact by working together.

Dóchas is mid-way through its Strategy (2022-2026). Our key aim is to focus on four complementary and mutually reinforcing areas of work to strengthen the overall impact of Irish international development and humanitarian organisations:

  1.  Develop a strong and dynamic network that enhances opportunities for connection, coordination and collaboration.
  2. Help the Irish international development and humanitarian sector to transform by creating opportunities for increased impact.
  3. Mobilise our convening power to influence policy change and public support.
  4. Encourage strong and diverse leadership in the Irish international development and humanitarian sector.

2. Purpose and Scope of Work

Every three years, Dóchas has agreed to commission an independent external assessment of its Board’s effectiveness. This needs to include an assessment of the current functioning of the Board, as well as evaluate how well it has progressed actions from previous self-assessments.

3. Objectives

To carry out a Board assessment, and provide clear recommendations to improve the Board’s effectiveness. This should build on the existing annual self-assessments conducted by the Board.

4. Key Reference Documents and Questions

Beyond evaluating governance effectiveness, previous assessments have posed a number of key questions that will need to be explored, including:

5. Methodology and Timing

In submitting a proposal, the consultant should outline a proposed methodology, timing and cost (including VAT). The assessment needs to be completed by March, 2025, at the latest.

 Dóchas will not be liable for payment of PAYE, PRSI or USC in respect of this consultancy. Payment of all appropriate taxes remains the responsibility of the consultant.

Payment for the days worked will be made on the production of an invoice when work is completed to the satisfaction of Dóchas.

The consultant will be expected to work entirely remotely.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

A normal duty of confidentiality is expected in relation to Dóchas business, both during and after this consultancy. All documents (e.g., records, reports, plans, policies, papers, files) relating to work carried out in the course of this consultancy with Dóchas will remain the property of Dóchas at all times. The consultant will not retain copies of such records.

The consultant will not at any time, either during the period covered by this contract or after its termination, make use of or communicate to any unauthorised person/body any confidential information about Dóchas that may have obtained during the course of this consultancy.

On termination of this contract by either party, the consultant will deliver to Dóchas all records, documents, equipment, etc. in their possession or control relating in any way to this consultancy with Dóchas.

Confidentiality relating to Dóchas data and processes not in the public domain will be respected by the consultant.

Application Process

Please submit your expression of interest, including a brief outline of the methodology and cost (including VAT), to Anna Farrell at anna@dochas.ie by Monday 10th February.


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