Call for Consultant - Mid Term Review of Dóchas Strategy 2022-2026
Dóchas is looking for expressions of interest for its Mid Term Review of Strategy 2022-2026
21 Aug 2024
Dóchas is the Irish network for international development and humanitarian organisations. It is a vibrant network which aims to connect, strengthen and represent people and organisations working for a just, sustainable and equal world. We provide a forum for connection, co-operation and collaboration between our fifty-six members. Our mission is to enable international development and humanitarian organisations in Ireland to achieve greater impact by working together.
Dóchas is mid-way through its Strategy (2022-2026), which was developed in 2021 following a consultative process with members and key stakeholders. Our key aim is to focus on four complementary and mutually reinforcing areas of work aimed at strengthening the overall impact of Irish international development and humanitarian organisations:
- Develop a strong and dynamic network that enhances opportunities for connection, coordination and collaboration.
- Help the Irish international development and humanitarian sector to transform by creating opportunities for increased impact.
- Mobilise our convening power to influence policy change and public support.
- Encourage strong and diverse leadership in the Irish international development and humanitarian sector.
Purpose of the evaluation
The purpose is to provide Dochas, our members and Irish Aid with an independent assessment of the work over the first 2.5 years of the strategy. The main objective of this mid-term review is to take stock of our progress to date, and to identify what has worked well, or could work better, across our four strategic pillars. This will ensure that we can adapt or improve where needed, for the successful delivery and implementation of the strategy in its final 2 years.
Scope of the evaluation
This review will:
- Assess progress against the objectives and outcomes of the strategic plan, including what has/hasn’t worked well in the delivery of the plan so far and reasons why.
- Assess relevance of the strategy to Dóchas membership based on their feedback and any emerging contextual issues within the operating environment.
- Provide recommendations for strengthened delivery of the strategy, and identify areas which need to be explored further.
- The Recommendations will inform implementation of the strategy over the remainder of its term.
- The Midterm review will use OECD/DAC principles with a focus on the relevance and effectiveness of the strategy. In terms of efficiency, impact and sustainability, we recognise there will be limitations in assessing these given the duration of implementation. Specific questions may include:
- Does the strategy provide an adequate response to the strategic challenges faced by our internal and external environment?
- Does the strategy provide Dóchas with a clear role and focus?
- Has the strategy responded appropriately to changes in the internal and external environment?
- Are Dóchas’ priorities and activities clearly linked to the desired outcomes?
- What worked well and why?
- Were the outputs and outcomes achieved, as identified in the results framework, and to what degree?
- Did the activities lead to the desired outcomes? What were the key causal factors in achieving these outcomes?
- What are the main challenges encountered in the delivery of the strategy? Are they known or new?
- What are key lessons learned in the delivery of the strategy over the past 2.5 years?
- Is the capacity of Dóchas sufficient to deliver on the strategy?
- Have financial resources needed to deliver upon this plan been realised?
- Are organisational systems aligned to deliver the strategy in terms of finance, HR, IT & Knowledge management and resource allocation?
- Is implementation coherent across the four pillars?
- Have members consistently engaged and collaborated with Dóchas on the implementation of the strategy? If not, why?
- Has Dóchas effectively engaged with other relevant stakeholders?
- What is the level of satisfaction members have of how Dochas has implemented its strategy over the past 2.5 years?
- Is Dóchas working in line with its guiding principles - Independence; Integrity; Inclusivity and Accountability?
- Is Dóchas demonstrating its values in how it implements its work – collaboration; learning; new ideas; courageous leadership; agility.
- Is Dóchas’ value proposition clear and achievable?
- How will the positive effects of Dóchas’ strategy be maintained in the future?
- How could we improve how we deliver on our strategy in the coming years?
Methodology, Contract and Timing
A detailed proposal of methodology should be included in the consultant’s proposal. For the successful candidate this will be further developed and finalised in the inception phase. This consultancy should follow a collaborative and participatory mixed methods approach and will likely involve 8 -10 days of work as follows:
- Desk research to review key documentation including:
- Dóchas Strategy 2022-2026
- Dóchas Results Framework
- Dóchas Member survey 2022, 2023
- Dóchas Annual Report 2022 & 2023 - A number of focus group meetings, one-to-one interviews, with a range of members and Irish Aid.
- Review of Dóchas Annual Member Survey 2024 (available from mid-October).
- Draft, refine and submit the mid-term review.
We expect the consultancy to begin the week of 23rd September with the first facilitated meeting with the Dóchas team to take place that week. The work will be completed no later than 31st October 2024.
Dóchas will not be liable for payment of PAYE, PRSI or USC in respect of this consultancy. Payment of all appropriate taxes remains the responsibility of the Consultant. Payment for the days worked will be made on the production of an invoice when work is completed to the satisfaction of Dóchas.
The maximum budget for this evaluation process is €6,000 (inclusive of VAT).
Specific Outputs
- Work Plan to be delivered and agreed within 1 week of contract, to include detailed methodology, agreed stakeholders list and timeline
- Stakeholder consultations - amount to be agreed
- Draft report to be presented to CEO by 31st October.
- Final Mid-term review to be submitted by 7th November.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
A normal duty of confidentiality is expected in relation to Dóchas business, both during and after this consultancy. All documents (e.g. records, reports, plans, policies, papers, files) relating to work carried out in the course of this consultancy with Dóchas will remain the property of Dóchas at all times. The consultant will not retain copies of such records and will delete any documentation once a final publishable draft is accepted by the Project Manager.
The consultant will not at any time either during the period covered by this contract or after its termination make use of or communicate to any unauthorised person/body any confidential information about Dóchas which may have been obtained during the course of this consultancy. On termination of this contract by either party the consultant will deliver to Dóchas all records, documents, equipment, etc. in their possession or control relating in any way to this consultancy with Dóchas.
Consultants must comply with all Data Protection regulations. Confidentiality relating to Dóchas data and processes not in the public domain will be respected by the consultant.
Application Process
It is essential that the consultant will have:
- Substantial experience in the evaluation of programmes and strategies
- Substantial experience in facilitating stakeholder consultation
- Demonstrable experience of results-based monitoring and evaluation, organisational performance management.
- Strong writing and communication skills
- Experience of working in or with networks
- Experience of working in the development or humanitarian sector in Ireland
- Strong writing and communication skills
Please submit your expression of interest outlining the following:
- Relevant skills and experience
- Proposed methodology
- Work Plan including time frame
- Budget including daily rate, including VAT
Please submit your expression of interest in this tender to, using the subject ‘Mid-Term Review EOI’ by 9am on Monday 9th September.
If you have any inquiries regarding this tender, please contact Jane-Ann McKenna (