2021 Dóchas Conference

On 12 and 13 May 2021 we held our AGM and Conference online. Over the course of two days we looked back at all that had been achieved in a unique year and looked forward to the future of Dóchas and of the INGO landscape. Below are some highlights from the two days.
Dóchas AGM
Dóchas AGM - Highlights from 2020
Dóchas AGM - Members' Response to COVID-19 in 2020
Dóchas AGM - Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason
On Wednesday 12 May we were joined by Irish Ambassador to the UN, Geraldine Byrne Nason who shared her experience of the UN Security Council and discussed the enabling environment for civil society.
Dóchas Conference
Dóchas Conference 2021 - Keynote Speakers
We were delighted to have Irish Aid’s Ruairí de Búrca and Nana Afadzinu, Executive Director, of the West Africa Civil Society Institute in Ghana join us to talk about about their sense of the challenges & opportunities facing INGOs as we press the re-set button.
Dóchas Conference 2021 - Reos Partner's Presentation
REOS partners shared the outcome of our ‘Reimagining the future’ of Irish NGOs project, which asks where we, the Irish development sector, want to be in 10 years time and how to get there.
Dóchas Conference 2021 - Keynote Speaker Reflections
Following the presentation from Reos Partners looking at the future of Irish NGOs, our key note speakers, Irish Aid’s Ruairi de Burca and Nana Afadzinu, Executive Director, of the West Africa Civil Society Institute in Ghana, came back in to give their thoughts on what they had heard and their final thoughts at the end of the 2021 Dóchas Conference.