How we are funded
Dóchas is funded through membership fees, a grant from Irish Aid and other smaller grants for specific projects or pieces of work.
Dóchas Director's Reports and Financial Statements
Dóchas is funded through membership fees, a grant from Irish Aid and other smaller grants for specific projects or pieces of work.
Dóchas is committed to complying with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public and has formally discussed and adopted the Guidelines at our Board. We confirm our commitment to the Principles set out in the Guidelines.
Dóchas believes that all charitable organisations have a duty to adhere to the highest possible standards of accountability, transparency and performance. Dóchas is committed to full transparency in terms of our financial accounts, which are prepared in accordance with FRS 102 – The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland, comply with Charities SORP and have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2014.
The Dóchas Reserves Policy can be viewed here.
Below are a list of downloadable Director’s Reports and Financial Statements for preceding years.
- Directors Report and Financial Statements 2023
- Directors Report and Financial Statements 2022
- Directors Report and Financial Statements 2021
- Directors Report and Financial Statements 2020
- Directors Report and Financial Statements 2019
- Directors Report and Financial Statements 2018
- Directors Report and Financial Statements 2017
- Directors Report and Financial Statements 2016
- Directors Report and Financial Statements 2015