About us

In this section you will find everything you need to know about Dóchas. All relevant information about the organisation's commitments and values, the organisation's history, how we are funded, as well as information on our Board and governance.

Who we are and what we do

Founded from the belief that every human being is fundamentally equal, Dóchas is the uniting voice for organisations urging Ireland to be a world leader in efforts to bring about global justice. Dóchas works to protect and support the most vulnerable in society.

Dóchas connects, strengthens and represents a network of international development and humanitarian organisations who have a shared vision of a just, sustainable and equal world. Comprised of 46 full members and 11 associate members, Dóchas plays a unique role in safeguarding Ireland’s reputation of punching above its weight due to its long-standing commitment to global development.

Our Vision 

A just, equal and sustainable world, where every person has the right to live their life with dignity.

Our Mission

To enable international development and humanitarian organisations in Ireland to achieve greater impact by working together.
Governance and Oversight

Governance and Oversight

A network to connect, inspire and represent people and organisations working for global justice. Here you can find more about us, our governance, board and how we are funded.

Our Team

Our Team

The Dóchas Team is made up of a small dedicated group of people who bring a diverse range of skills and knowledge to the organisation

The History of Dóchas

The History of Dóchas

The origin of Dóchas can be traced back to 1974 with the creation of Irish Aid as the official government development assistance programme.


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